Our main activity areas are:
- Personal help -
We have an “open line” to help people by listening to their problems and provide them with encouragement, information, advice and moral support, by talking with people that understand their situation from first hand. - Health Service Providers & Government - We help our members cope with the Health Service Providers, that sometimes are trying not to supply all the treatments and medications, that are covered by the National Health Bill.
We are campaigning so the government will update the National Health Bill so it will include new medications & treatments. - Legislative -
We are working to submit new laws and regulations regarding Infertility. On our agenda today is to change the regulations regarding egg donation.
On 19 July, 2000, the first vote took place and was excepted by the Knesset.
In Israel only a woman that is in the IVF process can give an egg donation.
Because of that, there are today 2,000 women waiting for an egg donation and the waiting time is between 6-12 months. The law we submitting will allow that every woman that wants to donate eggs can do so. To achieve this purpose we are lobbying the Israeli parliament members for their
support and we are doing a lot of PR work in the media. - Support groups -
We organize, with the help of the Infertility wards, support groups and lectures all over Israel. - Legal help & advice -
We provide free legal advice by our volunteer lawyers.